Construction Services

DCC is a construction company at heart. We are NOT your normal construction company. We are committed to a different level of service when diesters happen or when you find mold or lead in your home. We know the complexities that come with rebuilding after a fire or water damage. 





Post DISASTER RE-build 

At DCC we will help rebuild after your disaster. Now you are dry and safe to rebuild, we want to continue to see your project to the end.  We will Not take on normal constriction project (kitchens, roofs and so on). We are committed to the process of getting your home back in working order after a disaster. Labor and construction projects can be difficult under any circumstance. At DCC we understand your home and the emotions of what your family has just endured. If we are a good fit for your rebuild project, we would be honored to serve you with the same care and understanding we just extending to your family through the drying and or cleaning process. 

Lead & Asbestos Removel 






More to come with our Lead and Asbestos removal. 2025